Human Milk Is Human Magic

Human milk is truly nature flaunting its astonishingly beautiful magic.
It is a dynamic, living food that is constantly evolving, responsive to you and baby's needs.
While breastfeeding is one of the most natural ways to help baby thrive, the term 'natural' is often misinterpreted as 'easy.'
Nursing, like birth, is a beautiful rite of passage, but it is rarely 'easy' and a loving & safe support system is paramount.
You and your baby's journey is unique and incredibly special.
Having a knowledgeable IBCLC in your support network can help you reach your unique infant-feeding goals.

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"Breastfeeding reminds us of the universal truth of abundance; the more we give out, the more we are filled up, and that divine nourishment ― the source from which we all draw — is, like a mother's breast, ever full and ever flowing."
Sarah Buckley